Female Tattoo Art Biography
What do people really think about female tattoos?
We will tell you and show you; here you will find plenty of information along with our female tattoos gallery full of beautiful babes with beautiful body art.
Back in the day, it was a great no no for a woman to be caught with a tattoo. It was a privilege that was exclusive to men only. Even during the time of the great tribes, tattoos were just for male warriors. Females would adorn themselves with all sorts of jewelries and accessories, but never with tattoos. Even during the “modern times”, it was only men who dared to put ink on their skin. Girls with tattoos were almost unheard of and those who “rebelled” and dared to get that skin art on their body were considered a woman who is not worthy of respect.
That is no longer the case today. In fact, it is fairly common to see tattooed females walking around. What once was seen as a shameful act for women is now considered as a symbol of pride and women empowerment. Why? The reason is in fact very simple. Getting a tattoo is not at all fun. It is bloody and it is painful and for females to endure it testifies to their strength and will.
As the idea of girls with tattoos is being accepted, more and more females are deciding to step out of the box and get the body art that they long for. After all, isn’t it art when you have a tastefully designed tat that is permanently etched on your skin? Girls with tattoos are respected because they are able to endure the pain of getting the work and they are among females who dared to defy convention. By getting a tattoo, they exercised their right to freedom of expression, which in this case clearly screams female empowerment and strength.
Unlike men who blatantly show off their body art on their arms and other places where it just can’t be hidden, it is a fact that most females prefer their tattoos to be a bit subtler. It has nothing to do with them trying to hide their skin art from society. It is more because a subtle tattoo adds to the appeal of tattooed females.
Simply put, a bit of mystery is always better than blatantly showing things. Hence, a lot of women place their designs in less conspicuous areas that includes their feet, their ankle, their lower back, their hip and their navel. The common thing about those areas is that they can choose to hide the tattoo if they please and they also have the option of revealing it.
Females with body art show a bit more mystery than males with tattoos. It is revolutionary? Yes. It is sexy? Yes indeed. It is much like any empowered female that likes to defy convention and display her inner strength and feminism. To see more free female tattoo galleries click on any of the links shown on this page.
For those considering ambigram tattoos, there are many different styles to choose from with a variety of scripts and fonts readily available. ambigram tattoos are quite fascinating in that they combine optical illusions with calligraphy. Both men and women find this art intriguing because of its unique and imaginative form and indulging in this hot new trend. Some of the most common ambigram tattoo themes include combining lovers names, siblings or the names of best friends. Even entire phrases can be styled to form an interesting ambigram design.
Rotational ambigram tattoos are designs that presents several instances of words when rotated through a fixed angle. This is usually 180 degrees; however, other angles may also be used such as 90 or 45 degrees. Both symmetrical and asymmetrical designs are forms of rotational ambigrams.One form of rotational ambigram tattoos are words or phrases written in such a way that they appear identical even when turned upside down. This are called symmetrical ambigrams. For example, the words FAITH, GLORY and DREAM are all popular choices for symmetrical ambigram tattoos since they can easily be made to read the same from either direction.
One form of rotational ambigram tattoos are words or phrases written in such a way that they appear identical even when turned upside down. This are called symmetrical ambigrams. For example, the words FAITH, GLORY and DREAM are all popular choices for symmetrical ambigram tattoos since they can easily be made to read the same from either direction.
Another form of rotational ambigram tattoos are asymmetrical designs. This is when words or phrases are written in such a way that different words appear when they are turned upside down. For example, when reading an ambigram tattoo from one direction it may say ANGEL. However, when this same tattoo is turned upside down it may have been designed to read DEVIL. Some of the more popular words to pair together are: BEAUTIFUL and DISASTER, DEATH and LIFE, REGRET and NOTHING, LOYALTY and RESPECT, DREAM and BELIEVE, and FAMILY and FOREVER. Of coarse, for those looking for more original designs get creative! It is surprising how many words can be beautifully combined. Just keep in mind that most of the best looking asymmetrical ambigram tattoos have only between four and nine letters.
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